
Sunday, November 21, 2010

mod_fcgi vs. mod_fastcgi while using php5.3.3

網路上完全找不到這方面資料 ... 而且找到的都是錯的...


PHP-FPM(php5.3.3) + apache 2.2.17 + mod_fastcgi 的設定

我只想說 ...

Don't waste your time on mod_fcgid, it doesn't match php 5.3.3, it's a shit!!

Use mod_fastcgi's FastCgiExternalServer to point to PHP-FPM, no more wrapper script please!!

Most of apache config examples are outdated or wrong, or copy from other wrong articles.

PHP-FPM is a daemon and mod_fcgid's official site(http://httpd.apache.org/mod_fcgid/mod/mod_fcgid.html) is not talking about PHP-FPM, it is

talking about php patched with fastcgi library http://www.fastcgi.com/drupal/node/5?q=node/10.

PHP-FPM is native in PHP since 5.3.3, so the mod_fcgid is not the choice for PHP user at the mean time, unless it provide Directive similiar to mod_fastcgi's FastCgiExternalServer.

Hope this help other guy confusing by FastCGI in Apache + PHP pattern. ( mod_fastcgi, mod_fcgid, PHP-FPM, PHP with FastCGI lib...so, it's a mess )

Saturday, October 30, 2010

I love Screenlet

Ubuntu 真是一個好用的作業系統....自從在我這台老筆電上安裝它以後...有趣的事情終於開始發生了...

Ubuntu 目前採用的桌面系統是 Gnome,這個桌面系統以前在 RedHat 服務器上感覺不怎麼樣,沒想到在 Ubuntu 手裡才讓我發現,是如此的富有生產力與多采多姿...

然後發現了這個好東西 --- screenlet

簡單講就是擺一些自己喜歡的小東西到自己的桌面上啦 ... 就好像你會在自己的桌子上擺相框、花盆一樣的道理...

為什麼 Screenlet 是個好東西呢?

因為自從使用了 Ubunut ,甩開 Windows 這個垃圾作業系統以後,桌面上就再也沒有擾人的各種捷徑...


但是,光桌布實在有點無聊...於是呢...screenlet 就成為了另一個有趣的小玩意兒...


Yes...甩開 Microsoft, Apple 這些流氓軟體...使用自由軟體...終於感受到自由的感覺...